Meadow Park Got's Talent!

Got Talent
Friday, February 22, 2019

Meadow Park’s got talent.

If you are participating in the 2019 Talent show, this is what you need to know:


  • Please turn in Permission Slip form and music by Friday, Feb. 1st to assure your spot in the show.
  • You need to submit one permission slip per act.
    • Print Permission Slip from Meadow Park’s Website or The Mustang Express.
  •  Performers can only participate in ONE ACT!
    • Exception: 6th. graders can also participate in the 6th grade Mash-up and be                                announcers.
  • Maximum time limit per act is:
    • 1 minute for a solo artist & 2 minutes for a group. (We will be super strict about this! If you turn in music that is longer, we will ask you to cut it.)
  • No inappropriate songs, lyrics or costumes will be allowed.
    • MUSIC: Turn in the music by emailing it to Please include student's name, teachers name, the name of the act, parents name and a contact phone number in the email.  
      • All singers must turn in a Karaoke version of the song to be used in their act, unless using             instrumental accompaniment. Same time limit applies for singers and instrumentalists!.
      • You are responsible to cut/fade your music to fit the time limit.

Important Dates:

  • Feb. 1st: Deadline to submit the Permission Slip and music to front office. No act will be included after this date. Music will not be returned!
  • February 21st:  Mandatory Dress Rehearsal 3:00-5:00 p.m.
  • February 22nd: TALENT SHOW!

Dress Rehearsal:

On February 21st all performers will run through their act on stage at the time assigned and will be given important information about the night of the show. We will make sure performer(s) don’t exceed their time limit and will make suggestion to improve their presentation if necessary.

6th grade announcers will also need to be there!

Talent show Night:

Performers need to check in by 5:30 pm. There will be assigned seating for all performers in the audience. Talent Show will be held at the LDS Church in Woodbridge, located at 23 Lake Rd, Irvine CA. 92604.