Health Office

A District nurse, health clerk, or office staff are available on campus to assist with the illness or injury of a child. Parents will be contacted to pick up their child if he/she needs to go home or see a physician.

Information and guidance is provided to staff, parents, and students when medical conditions affect academic and/or social growth.


When Your Child is Ill

Germs spread very quickly. If your child tells you that he/she does not feel well, please take the time to take his/her temperature BEFORE sending your child to school. We know that a child does not always have a fever when feeling ill, but most often we find ourselves sending home children who do. Listen to your child and take their temperature! A temperature of 99.8°+ will result in a phone call for him/her to be picked up.


Vision and Hearing Screenings

District nursing staff provides students with vision and hearing screenings for grades K, 2, 5, new students, or at parent or teacher request.



Please make certain that your child eats breakfast before arriving at school. Often times a “sick” child is just hungry.


Medication at School

Any time your child requires medication at school, the medication must be kept in the nurse’s office to be given by school personnel. LEGALLY, the school requires:

  1. Medication MUST be in the ORIGINAL pharmacy bottle, labeled by the pharmacist.
  2. The parent MUST sign a consent form prior to medication being administered. The form is available in the school office, as well as on the IUSD website under Health Services (
  3. The physician MUST sign a consent form prior to medication being administered. Medication will not be administered unless instructions are specific.
  4. Medication MUST be brought to school by a parent. At no time should medication arrive at school in a lunch box, backpack, baggie, etc.

These regulations apply to NON-PRESCRIPTION medications as well. Non-prescription drugs include aspirin, vitamins, cough syrup, cough drops, ointments, etc.

Please do not ask school personnel to administer medications supplied by you until the above mentioned requirements have been met.

Please do not ask school personnel to supply your child with medication as no medications are supplied by the school.

Please do not send your child to school with medications of any kind.


Student Accident & Health Insurance

The school district makes available to parents a low cost accident and health insurance for their children. Forms are distributed to parents on the first day of school. Additional forms are available in the office. The desirability of having such a plan can provide benefits and coverage when help is needed.